2025 St John’s Hill Wind Farm Community Fund

From the 1st January 2025, the St John's Hill Wind Farm Community Fund is open for applications from groups / organisations, for projects which benefit the communities in the following Community Council areas:
- Arbuthnott
- Catterline, Kinneff and Dunnottar
Bluefield Services, the energy company who operates the St John's Hill Wind Farm, will support local community projects during the lifetime of the wind farm. This year, there will be a fund of £24,247.09, split equally between the two areas. In addition, the CKDC area has a historical underspend of £11,260.18, giving a fund total of £23,383.73 for the CKD area.
A PDF copy of the guidelines and the online application form can be found on the KDP website: https://kdp.scot/st-johns-hill/. KDP can provide a Word document for those unable to access to the online service.
Applications have to be submitted by the 31st March 2025. A panel made up of representatives from the Community Council areas along with a representative (non-voting) from Kincardineshire Development Partnership (KDP) will then meet to consider the applications.
Please contact KDP directly if you have any queries. They can be contacted on 07903 156864 or email margo@kdp.scot.